Synology NAS SSL Certificate – Configure HTTPS!


WunderTech is maintained by Frank, an IT professional with 15+ years of experience in corporate IT and application management. Frank holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). He focuses on sharing his experience with others on his website and YouTube channel.

Today we are going to look at how to enable HTTPS on a Synology NAS using an SSL certificate.

This process is fairly straight forward, but the explanation behind it is very important. For that reason, I suggest that you watch the video above as the material will be a little easier to digest, but I will do my best to explain everything below. The process that we will be utilizing is best completed by using an internal DNS server. I have a tutorial up for configuring Pi-hole on a Synology NAS or Raspberry Pi, but you can just as easily use Synology’s DNS server application in DSM. I don’t have a tutorial up for that (as I prefer Pi-hole), but if there’s interest, I can look into creating a tutorial.

1. Instructions – Synology NAS SSL Certificate

The easiest way to do this is by utilizing the DDNS hostname that you configured. Synology gives you a free DDNS hostname but you are free to use your own hostname or even a free service like DuckDNS. I have a tutorial for setting up DuckDNS and will be utilizing a free DuckDNS hostname in this tutorial, but the process is the same for other DDNS hostnames or purchased domains.

1.1 Port Forwarding & Firewall Configuration

1. Port forward 80 or 443 on your router to your Synology NAS. To get a Let’s Encrypt certificate, Let’s Encrypt needs to be able to communicate with your NAS through one of these ports. Every router is different, but here is a site that has a few different ways that you can complete this. After the certificate has been acquired, you are free to close port 80.

2. If you are using Synology’s Firewall, you need to create a custom rule that allows port 80 traffic to your Synology NAS. Open Control Panel, navigate to Security then Firewall. Create an allow rule for TCP port 80 or 443 (whichever you are using).

synology firewall allow rule for port 80

NOTE: Make sure the rule is above your deny all rule.

synology firewall settings

1.2 Certificate Setup

3. Open Control Panel, navigate to Security then Certificate. Select Add to create a new certificate.

Synology NAS SSL Certificate page

4. At this point, if you are using your free DDNS hostname, you might already have a self-signed certificate here. If you are, you can select replace an existing certificate and select the self-signed certificate. However, you are free to create a new certificate as well. If you don’t have an existing certificate, select Add a new certificate. Select Next.

replacing the existing certificate in dsm
Synology NAS SSL Certificate - adding a new certificate in dsm

5. Select Get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt. If you will be using this as your default certificate (most people will), you can check off the box that says Set as default certificate. Select Next.

Synology NAS SSL Certificate - get certificate from let's encrypt

6. Enter your DDNS hostname and email address. Click Apply – this will create your certificate! NOTE: In the Subject Alternative Name section, you can enter one if it exists. This is generally a URL prefix (www, for example). If you are strictly using your DDNS hostname, then you will leave this blank.

Synology NAS SSL Certificate - adding the domain/email to get a certficiate

7. We now need to ensure that the certificate we created is being used for our services. Select configure and change the certificate to your DDNS hostname. The certificate is now fully configured!

configuring the existing certificates

8. Certificate setup is complete!

2. Accessing a Synology NAS Using its Hostname – Synology NAS SSL Certificate

This is where the explanation in the video will help. If you try and access your NAS using the hostname you just assigned ([DDNS Hostname]:[Port]), it will not work.

When you configured your DDNS hostname, it tracks your external IP address. When you navigate to your site using your DDNS hostname and port, what you’re actually doing is navigating to your external IP address and port. If your NAS isn’t exposed to the internet (it shouldn’t be – if you want to access your NAS externally, check out our OpenVPN tutorial), this domain name will never resolve. If we want to get this to work as-is, we need to port forward 5001 (DSM HTTPS) on our router – don’t do this. Move down to the DNS configuration.

2.1 DNS Configuration

So at this point, we know that we need to access our NAS by its hostname (that was configured with the certificate) and our HTTPS DSM port. The key that we need to implement is this: when we navigate to our DDNS hostname, we need to navigate to our NAS’s internal IP address. Right now, it’s not working because it’s accessing our external IP address.

showing the current settings vs the new settings. internal IP will be mapped to the local IP address as opposed to the external.

We can accomplish this two ways: the best (in my opinion) way of doing this is by creating a DNS server and creating a local DNS entry. The benefit of doing it this way is that all devices will be able to resolve your NAS using that hostname properly. I have two different guides up that will walk you through the process of creating a DNS server using Pi-hole on a Synology NAS or a Raspberry Pi. This even gives you the benefit of network-wide adblocking!

The second way is to create a local DNS lookup file on your client device. While this isn’t recommended, creating this file will allow your local devices to resolve that domain name to your NAS’s local IP address. You must be aware that when using this method, you will only be able to access your NAS using its hostname on this specific device. This option is fine if you only intend on navigating to DSM using the hostname from this specific device. At these links, you can learn how to create a local DNS host file for Windows, Mac OS, or Linux.

2.1.1 Local DNS Server Configuration

If you have a DNS server created, create a local DNS entry for the hostname you configured and your NAS’s internal IP address.

These instructions are for Pi-hole v5.0 or greater.

1. Open the Pi-hole web management portal. On the left menu, select Local DNS Records. NOTE: Pi-hole changes their UI somewhat regularly. If it’s not on the left hand side, it will be buried in a setting somewhere.

pi-hole local dns

2. Create a local DNS entry for the hostname you configured and your NAS’s internal IP address.

local dns settings in pi-hole

You will also notice that if you run a nslookup command for your hostname, you will receive the internal IP address of your NAS. Before you create this record, you will receive your external IP address.

nslookup command shows internal ip for domain name

It is incredibly important to note that if you create a DNS record for this hostname, you will need to use this hostname when accessing your SMB/NFS shares as well. One way that you can get around this (if your NAS has more than one ethernet port), is by creating a DNS record for one of your network interfaces that is the hostname you configured and a second DNS record for the server name you defined in DSM. This is done by mapping each record to the network interfaces IP address.

After you create this record and navigate back to your site, everything will work as expected!

ssl certificate synology nas for the domain created above

At this time, you can also go to the settings in DSM and Automatically redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS. This will ensure that you’re always using HTTPS.

redirect settings from http to https

3. Conclusion – Create an SSL Certificate for a Synology NAS

This process is actually pretty simple, but the key is having a DNS server. Having a DNS server allows you to keep your NAS’s DSM port closed while properly utilizing an SSL certificate. Your SSL certificate will expire after a few months, but you can open port 80, renew it, and then close port 80 again. An easy way to do this is to keep port 80 on your router open at all times, and then manage the port on your Synology’s firewall. You can create an allow rule and when the certificate has been validated, uncheck the rule which will block connections on port 80.

Thanks a lot for reading the tutorial. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments!

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Aidan

    Please disregard my previous posts. Not sure what the issue is but it’s nothing to do with your good tutorial or the tutorial topic. No point posting them to clutter the discussion. My apologies.

    And thanks for the great work you do. I’m newish to synology NAS and containers and your blog has been a great resource.

  2. Aidan

    I just realised that my previous comment was a bit dumb. The NAS isn’t accessing itself, I’m accessing it via my computer which should have no trouble reaching the Pi-Hole.
    I’m still having an issue in that when I use nslookup from the windows PC I’m trying to access the NAS from I get “DNS request timed out”. Strangely this doesn’t occur on another PC I have on the same network.

    Both computers access the same router which points to the Pi-Hole as the DNS (I disabled the secondary DNS on the router for this check). Why would it be working on one PC and not the other?

  3. Aidan

    Apologies for commenting on such an old post but I’ve got a specific issue that I expect has a quick answer and I’m wondering if you might be able to help.
    I followed this tutorial (it was very easy and helpful, thank you). I was able to request the certificate and using a hostname without issue and I have Pi-Hole setup in a container utilising MacVLAN on the synology. The problem I’m having is that Pi-Hole is not able to resolve the DNS request for the hostname because it resides on the synology, so it has to use external DNS providers meaning that any local DNS records setup in Pi-Hole to redirect the hostname to the “internal” IP address of the NAS cannot utilised. Is there something I am missing with this arrangement or is my understanding correct that there is no way to resolve this without a second Pi-Hole not hosted on the NAS (which I plan to implement)?

    Happy to provide any additional information about the setup as there are a lot of variables not covered which could be pertinent.


  4. Marc

    Great tutorial. Many thanks. Although I suspect I’ll need to re-watch it a few times to fully grasp the *why* of each step. But one question: I’ve followed the VPN Server video you provided (thank you for that, too) – what is the benefit of encrypting the DDNS address if the only way to access the NAS remotely is via the VPN Server?

    1. WunderTech

      This tutorial can be summarized (for lack of a better way of explaining it) as stopping the error you receive when accessing your NAS by IP address or domain name. The little padlock error that you normally see in your web browser window. If I’m being honest, this is more for vanity purposes (unless you ARE exposing your NAS outside of your local network – then this is very important). If you aren’t, this is strictly to remove that error and can be skipped over if it doesn’t bother you.

  5. Robert

    I’m new to using a Synology NAS. I just got Docker and Channels DVR setup successfully after some difficulties. I have been trying to get the HTTPS set using a Let’s Encrypt certificate but so far it keeps failing. I went into Google Domains to add a Dynamic DNS (like “”), but I just get a dead page when I type it into my browser. Obviously I’ve not done something correctly. Do I need to setup the DNS and VPN servers on my NAS? I’ve also added the port forwarding on PORT 80 in my TP-Link Deco mesh router. Also will the addition of the SSL certificate require changes to my existing Channels DVR and Docker Container setup (I have two instances of Channels DVR in order to separate DVR recordings); those run on PORTS 8089 and 8189. Thanks, Robert

    1. WunderTech

      If we take a step back, what exactly are you trying to do? If you set up a subdomain for the name nas and the port is forwarded correctly, you will either have to append the port to the end of the URL or use a reverse proxy server.

  6. logger

    If I mapped the smb share with ip address, then I don’t need to change anything, right?

    1. WunderTech

      Correct! You can continue using that as-is.

  7. Vivian Lobo

    Thanks for this tutorial, I am very new to the world of NAS (picked up a DS 920+) and I found a goldmine of NAS knowledge on your site and YouTube channel. In the last few days, I am struggling to get my own domain SSL sorted. Synology does not support HTTP-01 for other domains to get the letsencrypt cert. It easily works with domain. my ISP has blocked port 80 and I am guessing I need to forward that. This is the part I am unsure and worried about the consequences.
    My ideal set up would be to have several subdomains for different applications.
    DSM –
    Plex –
    Portainer –
    Nginx –

    I am not sure how I proceed with this? The closest I have come is created a DDNS and then followed the usual way of trying to set the DDNS and then get a letsencrypt cert only to fail here.

    You did a wonderful tutorial on setting up nginx – I managed to do that but then when I try to add – shows internal error.

    Sorry for this long comment. Just struggling a bit and so had to type it all 🙂

    1. WunderTech

      Thanks so much for the kind words! When you say Nginx, are you using Nginx Proxy Manager or Synology’s implementation? Next – the internal error message is sometimes hard to troubleshoot, but it generally means that Let’s Encrypt cannot validate the certificate. There are ways to dig through the terminal to find the log file to tell you exactly what’s happening, but it’s not always easy.

      You say that your ISP blocks port 80, but does it block port 443? As long as you’re using HTTPS, you should be okay with only port 443 opened.

  8. Nate

    I set up the Letsencrypt cert using my Duckdns DDNS. I created a DNS host override entry in pfSense resolver. I can reach DSM via the hose name I gave the DNS resolver, but the site still does not come up secure in Firefox or Chrome. Any ideas?

    1. WunderTech

      The only thing I can think of is that it’s not configured in the “Configuration” section inside of the Synology. When you select that from the Certificates page, is it properly assigned to the domain?

  9. Dave

    Great tutorial! Question though, if you don’t open port 5000/5001 in your router doesn’t this limit the DSM connection to internal networks only? If so what is the benefit of configuring HTTPS for DSM access?

    1. WunderTech

      Thank you! The only true reason is because the browser errors annoy people. There aren’t any true benefits outside of that, but if you do open port 5001, then this becomes necessary.

      1. Dave

        Okay thanks for taking the time to explain. I am relatively new to all of this and wanted to make sure I fully understood the tutorial you put together.

        One last question: I followed your write up on creating a VPN (also great btw) and when the VPN connection is active I can no longer log into DSM with the DDNS address, I have to specify the internal IP and port. Is this to be expected?

        1. WunderTech

          How are you normally using the DDNS hostname? Is it from updating the host file on your local device or do you have a DNS server? If it’s the host file, yes, this is expected behavior. Let me know if I can answer anything else!

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